Influence of chemoreception in humans

Humans use a knowledge of the chemical senses to modify their own behaviour or physiology and to modify these properties in other animals.
Food additives
Probably the greatest knowledge of the influence of chemicals in human feeding control relates to artificial sweeteners. Sugars are phagostimulants; however, sugars and especially complex carbohydrates (e.g., starch), from which simple sugars may be derived in the oral cavity, are a source of fats, the primary storage form of carbohydrates. The accumulation of these fats can lead to obesity. As a result, humans have searched for substances that taste sweet but do not result in excessive fat storage. Such compounds are known to occur naturally in some plants and represent a range of structurally different chemical classes. For example, thaumatin is a sweet-tasting protein extracted from the tropical flowering plant Thaumatococcus daniellii, commonly called miracle fruit, or katempfe, and glycyrrhizin is a triterpene glycoside extracted from Glycyrrhiza glabra, or licorice.
A compound called glycyrrhizin, a triterpene glycoside, is extracted from Spanish licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). This sweet-tasting compound is a common food additive.
A compound called glycyrrhizin, a triterpene glycoside, is extracted from Spanish licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). This sweet-tasting compound is a common food additive.
In addition, many sweet-tasting compounds have been synthesized in the laboratory. In order to elicit the same response induced by a natural compound, the corresponding synthetic compound’s molecular conformation must match the natural compound’s receptor. More than 1,000 compounds have been synthesized following the discovery that L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester, which subsequently became known as aspartame, was found to taste sweet. In similar molecular quantities, some of the subsequent compounds taste much sweeter to humans than does sucrose. For example, aspartame is 200 times more potent than sucrose, whereas some modifications of aspartame are 50,000 times more potent. Artificial sweeteners that have been tested on Old World monkeys have similar effects on humans, who are close relatives of these monkeys. However, these same sweeteners have variable effects on New World monkeys, which are more distantly related to humans, relative to Old World monkeys. These substances are presumed to stimulate the taste receptors using the same receptor proteins as sugars. Since a nerve carries electrical information in the form of action potentials, irrespective of the nature of the stimulating molecule, these substances are perceived as sweet.
Various food additives are used by different societies. Chemicals are added to foods to influence the flavours of foods, often stimulating appetite and digestive processes. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is commonly added to increase the umami, or meaty taste, of cooked dishes, and the flavour of many spices and herbs increases production of saliva and other digestive juices or stimulates digestive processes. For example, the perception of peppermint increases saliva production, and the taste of cinnamon increases peristalsis in the gut. Individuals vary greatly in their olfactory sensitivity and in their chemosensory and cultural backgrounds, with the result that the use of additional flavours in foods is highly idiosyncratic. Nevertheless, flavour additives provide many people with pleasurable food experiences. In advanced commercial developments, use is made of the knowledge that minute amounts of key odour ingredients that typify favoured foods and beverages can be added to enhance the attractiveness of these products—for example, key components of the odour of freshly baked bread or of freshly roasted coffee.
The sense of smell has more important connections with the limbic system and hypothalamus in the brain than does hearing or vision. The close association between smell and the hypothalamus underlies the relationship of odour with emotion. Odour memory is long, and specific smells can vividly revive a past situation and emotion. Furthermore, pleasant or unpleasant odours may induce mild changes in mood, arousal, or cognition and may even reduce muscle tension. Many of these effects are at least partly a result of the circumstances of the use of odours. Odour compounds are used in a variety of human rituals, such as religious ceremonies and initiation ceremonies. For example, the burning of many fragrant woods and resins has been practiced for thousands of years in religious ceremonies, including in ancient Egyptian practices relating to Nefertem, the god of perfume, perfection, and beauty. A modern example of the use of odours in religious ceremonies is the burning of incense in the Roman Catholic mass. Many naturally derived fragrances are also used for aromatherapy, where, common to many human behaviours, the effects can often be explained more by expectations than by a direct effect on health.
While the sense of smell is less important than vision or hearing in human interactions, odours do play an important role in influencing human behaviour. Every person has an individual odour, largely derived from apocrine secretions and epithelial flora, including bacteria and yeasts. Individuals may be recognized by their odour, and, a few days following birth, a baby is able to recognize its mother by her specific odour. Related people have more-similar odours, and the sexes have identifiably different odours that may play a role in sexual interactions. Some of the chemicals involved are used in perfumery.
Different cultures employ various means to reduce or enhance body odours, depending on the perceived unpleasantness or pleasantness of an odour. For example, deodorants may be used, particularly on the axillae and feet, that block secretions, kill bacteria, inhibit bacterial enzymes, combine with unwanted odorants (e.g., isovaleric acid), or overpower odorants. Perfumes may employ particular body odour components that are considered attractive or may use floral, fruity, minty, or other fragrances, depending on the society. In certain cultures, perfumery is a multibillion-dollar industry.
In medicine, odours are employed in various ways. For example, in diagnostics, acetone on the breath is characteristic of diabetes mellitus, O-toluidine and aniline are characteristic of lung cancer, and sulfides are indicative of cirrhosis of the liver and dental disease. In the elderly, in people with damaged nasal epithelia from industrial pollutants, and in people with certain disease conditions, olfactory ability is decreased, and added food flavours can improve the experience of eating.